Leonardo H. TEIXEIRA
I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the research group on Functional Ecology of Plants and Ecosystems in Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Currently, I am working on the project entitled "Protecting plant diversity via stoichiometric nutrient networks across Europe (DiviN-P)" funded by the Biodiversa initiative (at the European level) to be developed in cooperation with the Netherlands, Spain, and Italy. This project aims at identifying which types of herbaceous plant communities are most vulnerable to species loss and turnover in response to changes in nutrient supply, nutrient stoichiometry, species invasions, climate change, and their interactions. For that, a series of field and greenhouse experiments will test novel plant interactions between endangered species of N and P-limited habitats in Central/North Europe and potentially invasive species shifting northward from Southern Europe.
Selected publications:
Krieger MT, Teixeira LH, Grant K, Kollmann J & Albrecht H. (2023). Reconciling the control of the native invasive Jacobaea aquatica and ecosystem multifunctionality in wet grasslands. Basic and Applied Ecology, 68: 13–22. (*joint first author)
Rojas-Botero S, Teixeira LH, Prucker P, Kloska V, Kollmann J & Le Stradic S. (2023). Root traits of grasslands rapidly respond to climate change, while community biomass mainly depends on functional composition. Functional Ecology, 37: 1841–1855.
Rojas-Botero S, Kollmann J & Teixeira LH. (2022). Biotic resistance of native communities and alien propagule pressure are consistent predictors of invasion success during grassland establishment. Biological Invasions, 24: 107–122.
Teixeira LH, Oliveira BFD, Krah FS, Kollmann J & Ganade G. (2020). Linking plant traits to multiple soil functions in semi-arid ecosystems. Journal of Arid Environments, 172: 104040.
Strobl K, Kollmann J & Teixeira LH. (2019). Integrated assessment of ecosystem recovery using a multifunctionality approach. Ecosphere, 10(11): e02930.
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